Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Static-Descriptive Essay

I Experienced Taipei Life
            The temperature had risen. I had just finished my studies as a high school student. It was the time for me to be relaxed and to enjoy. It was the start of summer season when a mechanical bird landed in a place where the original F4 fever started—Taipei, Taiwan. I was one of the passengers who rode that mechanical bird. Taiwan is a place where culture is totally different hence it did not hinder the excitement I felt.
            When I had my first step in the land of Taipei, I immediately wore my jacket though I still shivered a lot. Even if it was a sunny day, people I have seen were wearing thick clothes, jackets, knitted gloves and even high socks to keep them warm. Skyscrapers can be seen at every street of the city.
            On the other hand, the first place I had visited in Taipei was set up in a way where neon lights are on, the aroma of the food circulated the room and chairs and tables were arranged in a manner as if executives will occupy the space. When they allowed us to sit, food with different flavors and aroma were served in an instant.
            After an hour, we had left and immediately went to a street where ancient Taipei culture and setting can still be felt. From there, we took a ferry boat that led us at a museum. The ferry boat we rode on had reached its maximum seating capacity of seventy people. Furthermore, about ten bicycles were also loaded inside the boat. As the boat travelled through the sea, it moved up and down from side to side which made the passengers slid from their seats. In addition, we also kept on holding our hats and caps to prevent it from being caught by the wind. Some, especially girls, even had their hair messed up. At last, we finally arrived in the museum. After having an hour or two in the museum, we rode on bicycles until we reached a restaurant with our clothes and body wet.
            In that restaurant, we changed our clothes and ate and we immediately traveled to the very famous Taipei 101. In Taipei 101, I experienced the air pressure as the elevator went up from the fifth floor to the eighty-ninth floor in just a span of time of about forty seconds. We then left the place after an hour of stay.
            We stayed in Taipei, Taiwan for about two weeks and in every place we visited, we make it a point to have fun.
            The trip put smiles on our faces. It also let us discovered and made us amazed of the beauty of Taipei. We even kept on taking pictures of the places we visited. Though, at first, I experienced culture shock; it did not hinder me to have fun. The experience will be treasured forever and I hope to be back in a place that I learned to love.

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